Overcome the feeling of isolation and emotional overwhelm of being a caregiver.

Improve your ability to manage your stress, become more resilient, and create moments of joy in caregiving.

Start building inner strength so you can better handle the caregiving challenges by booking your free consultation today.

We work with Family Caregivers who might be experiencing any of the following:

  • A sense of overwhelm which makes it harder to make decisions.
  • Difficulty handling the strong emotions that come with caregiving for someone with dementia.
  • Feeling burned out & exhausted from taking care of others, no time for your own needs.
  • Only seeing life through a caregiving lens and missing out on what else is going on.
  • Feeling isolated & alone that others have no idea what you are going through.

Do you have other people in your life that have expressed concerned about your health & well-being because you are so stressed?
You have to take care of yourself now!
I'd love to chat with you about how a partnering with a life coach can bring balance and alignment to your life.

Take steps in building your "Inner Resilience" by getting your

Free Self-Care Recharge Ideas List. Check your email for the freebie.


A little about your coach
Susan Stern

 Susan's background is as a speech-language pathologist who worked with both adults and pediatrics. Being a primary caregiver for her mom, who has dementia, was a catalyst for her to change her career to become a Board Certified Coach. Susan received formal coach training from The Institute for Life Coach Training and is a member of the International Coach Federation. She always has loved helping people reach their highest potential. Susan is known for her compassionate heart, intuition, and dedication to helping others.                                            


Start taking care of yourself, so you can enjoy your caregiving experience.

If you're ready for a more balanced and fulfilled life as a caregiver,
schedule your free consultation call below. 



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